
The Beach

The Beach

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Last EASTER :)

I came across these two pics from Easter, I forgot to post back then. I love these two pics of coloring eggs with G....

WINTER DETOUR Continued...


As I got ready today to run some errands, I threw my camera in the car with me. I decided since I had the day to myself, to go to Bloomington and get some sushi for dinner tonight and to take a detour through the Brown County State park on my way home.
Here is what I saw

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November Morning In Brown County, Indiana

In order to keep my darling little girls life as normal as it can be...I drive her every morning to school. She should go to the school where we live, in the county, in Nashville, which is 5 minutes away, but to keep her in the school she has always attended I drive her. It's further, near where we used to live, but it's okay. I don't mind. Get's a bit tricky sometimes in the winter, but it's still quite okay with me. She has the rest of this year and two more after that left there and then we will be attending just 5 minutes away. Anyhow, this is my drive in the morning and it's amazing that I ever get to work on time, with the way the light plays with the fog, this time of year...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

On the way home, past another old house with no one living in it. Gotta wonder about that one as well, or you do if you are me! There is a story I'm sure!
Some lovely Brown County scenery and up Bear Wallow Road...past finally, one more BARN :)

This barn is just a good one, all the way round. I stopped and chatted with the cows a bit. Hay bales are another favorite of mine. Just something about hay bales scattered or stacked or whatever, they are a very interesting piece of art as well

A storm came about last August and it was a bad one. This was a great old barn, not much left of it now. Still the destruction of that barn in some way, blends in with the landscape and makes it a piece of art in my eyes. Maybe I am starting to learn that there can still be beauty where there has been so much destruction.

I just am so blessed to live in a most beautiful place. We all know how much I love barns, but I also am so intrigued with deserted houses as well. I like to just step back and wonder, what did it look like back in the day? Who lived there, who loved there and who died there? Why is it empty? Anyhow as fall winds down, I took a little jaunt out today to capture what is left. I especially want to thank a friend of mine, for the chance to get a couple of shots of his unique vehicles...